Author Store

We have the tools you need to propel your author career.
  • Author Planner

    The author planner is a fully editable PDF with linked tabs which allow you to navigate it with ease. Each month has an action plan, word count planner, notes section, launch section, and a monthly evaluation. There's a section to organise your social media, a section for your books, launches, characters, links, newsletter swaps, promo sites, takeovers and your author finances. 

    Unlike a hard copy, you can use this over and over again and can be used any time of the year, any year.

    164 pages to keep you organised and all your author information in one place at a click of a button

    Author Planner $16.99 
  • Character Workbook

    Want to try our downloads, but aren't sure if they are for you?

    Try our free Character Workbook tester that allows you to plan your main character for your book.

    Character Workbook $5.99 
  • Character Workbook (Small)

    Try our Character Workbook tester that allows you to plan your main character for your book. 

    Character Workbook (Small) $.099 
  • Premade covers

    Browse our premade book covers
